Marly Folies 2009 Schnyi and Roger

Marly Folies by night

Sixdays 08 Schnydi and Roger

Sixdays 08 Sebi and Roger


sunmountain paradise ride

Twoo Bikemesse Basel

little downhill irchel dättlikon

first ride on kamel 20"

trialkeller on bike

FIS Weltcup in der Lenzerheide

sixdays Oerlikon Schnydi and Roger

sixdays Oerlikon Sebi and Roger


city ride



city ride



Red Bull Conquering Fortezza 1.10.05

Index/Videos/Fortezza.wmv 18 MB


1.50 Meter Spain Power

Index/Videos/1.50_m..wmv 1.5 MB


WC Köln Schnydi spezial

Index/Videos/WC_Koeln.wmv 13 MB


WC Köln 17-18.09.05

Index/Videos/Koeln.wmv 12 MB


WC Graz 9.07.05

Index/Videos/Graz_05.wmv 6 MB


SM-Lauf in Susten, Schnydis letzte Sektion 29.5.05

Index/Videos/Schnydi.wmv 2.7MB


World Cup Madrid Kenny's little movie 8.05.05

Index/Videos/Kenny.wmv 9MB


Trainingslager Giverola (E) mit Schnydi, Sebi, Roger 1.-10.04.05

Index/Videos/barcelona_05_web.wmv 20MB


Indoor Trial Genova (I) 27.11.04

Index/Videos/Genova Indoor Trial.wmv 9MB


Red Bull Urban Battle 04 in Padova (I)

Index/Videos/Red Bull.wmv 16MB


Roger in Barcelona 04